I have built data dashboards and storymaps to communicate pressing issues and visualize climate data for different research projects.
This dashboard displays cumulative chemical and climate hazards in the Mystic Watershed, as part of the EPA-STAR ACRES grant.
Last Updated: December, 2023.
The tool displays aggregated PM2.5 data for specific cities in India, developed as part of the CHAIR (Consortium for Climate, Health & Air Pollution Research in India) research group.
Last Updated: January, 2024.
This equity index displays different energy equity metrics to guide the scaling of networked geothermal in Massachussets, as part of the LeGUp research project.
Last Updated: April, 2024.
This dashboard displays heat, infrastructure, and population demographics in Chicago, developed in collaboration with the Chicago Tribune.
Published: May, 2023.
This storymap tells the story of extreme heat in Wichita, Kansas, developed as part of the NASA DEVELOP Environmental Justice project.
Published: December, 2022.
Storymap gallery on publically available school data as part of the Boston University Sustainable Built Environment Lab.
Published: June, 2024.