Academic Papers
Characterizing the Number and Nature of Historical Floods and Implications for Exposure Characterization in New England, 2000-2018 (under review)
Blackouts in Massachusetts, 2013 to 2022: Exposure Description and Energy Justice (in progress)
Naess, B., Buonocore, J., Southerland, V., Khemani, M., Seppanen, C., Roy, A., Perera, F., Coomes, K., Rykowski, R., Arunachalam, S. (2024). “Distribution of air quality health benefits of medium and heavy-duty electrification policies in New York City, Environmental Research Health”. Environmental Research: Health.
Popp, Z.; Spangler, K.; Khemani, M.; Lane, K. (2024). "Population-Weighted Annual PM2.5 for US Census Tracts",, Harvard Dataverse, V1
Laird, B., Ashbaugh, M., Khemani, M., & Murray, S. (2022). Wichita Climate: Using Satellite Data to Identify Neighborhoods Vulnerable to Extreme Heat for Equitable Climate Mitigation and Planning. NASA DEVELOP National Program, Environmental Justice– Wichita.
The Role of Love in Climate Justice
“Capitalism, nationalism, classism, and other systems of domination thrive on the pervasive lovelessness in society because they emphasize sameness, the individual over the collective, or the collective as unity personified by an individual – ‘the dictator,’ ‘the savior,’ ‘the avenger.’ Affirming that all individuals deserve a roof over their heads and comfort during dramatically changing weather patterns and extreme climatic events... is radical. It is a radical act because it embraces the collective not as prefabricated unity but as multiplicity.”
Environmental Justice in Technology
Materials created as part of the EJIT 2022 Fellowship, part of EarthHacks.
Published a storytelling anthology, showing what life might be like in dual futures for our dreams and our nightmares. Authored original narratives and edited and refined each story.
Articulated a guiding framework on what environmental justice in technology could be, inspired by the 17 Principles of Environmental Justice.
Curated a multimedia zine on community, culture, and belonging.